• Suite 9, Elmer House, Finkin Street, Grantham NG31 6QZ

About Us


About EcoVille

At EcoVille, our mission is to ensure that every eligible home and property across England, Wales, and Scotland has access to efficient heating systems. Many households in the United Kingdom require additional support with their energy expenses.

Fuel poverty occurs when a household cannot afford to heat their home to a comfortable temperature. This issue is typically caused by low income, rising energy costs, poor energy efficiency, and inadequate home heating and insulation.

In 2014, the government introduced a fuel poverty target aiming for England to upgrade as many fuel-poor households as feasible to a minimum energy efficiency rating of Band C by 2030. This initiative led to the development of the current ECO4 scheme.

As advocates of the ECO4 program, EcoVille collaborates with housing associations, local government bodies, private landlords, and households to enhance energy efficiency across as many properties as possible. Additionally, EcoVille focuses on mitigating the negative psychological impacts of fuel poverty and addressing the significant physical and health consequences of living in cold and damp homes.

Inadequate Energy Use

Our goal is to target the properties with the lowest home energy efficiency scores in particular.

The Entire Market

We collaborate with a broad spectrum of installers of measures that are covered by all financing programmes.

Best Measures That Are Available

We'll identify the best course of action for each unique home.

Installers of Trustmarks

We will only collaborate with installers who are registered under the Trustmark government norm.

Make the Most of Your Funding

Our constant goal is to figure out how to get the most out of the numerous methods for your investment.

Cut Down on Energy Costs

Our ultimate goals are to lower health-related problems and the cost of keeping homes warm.

The Reasons Behind Our Actions

It's alarming that millions of people and households in the UK have struggled to afford adequate heating for their homes over the past year. This situation not only forces people to endure uncomfortable living conditions but also contributes to serious health risks. Cold and damp homes can lead to premature deaths among vulnerable individuals and exacerbate health inequalities, unhappiness, and overall suffering in communities.